The resources on this page are intended to support the SHEEO agency staff who provide the underlying data for the Grapevine and SHEF reports each year—without them, the SHEF project would not be possible. We are grateful for their diligence and commitment to providing timely and accurate data.
The fiscal year 2023 data collection opened in October 2023. New data providers, please contact Kelsey Kunkle to be added to the SHEF mailing list and receive information about this year’s data collection.
For technical assistance, please contact the SHEF administrator.
Data Collection Information
Data Collection Website
Data collection portal for authorized data providers
SHEF Data Definitions (.pdf)
Complete data collection definitions, updated 4/10/2024
Metric Calculations (.pdf)
List of formulas used to create the primary SHEF metrics, updated 4/10/24
SHEF Data Collection Guidelines (.pdf)
Guidelines for the FY 2023 SHEF data collection, updated 9/27/2023
Data Adjustments (.xlsx)
Adjustment indices used in the SHEF report
SHEF Data Providers (Fiscal 2023) (.pdf)
List of SHEF data providers for FY 2023
Recent Changes to the Data Collection
In late 2018, SHEEO began a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve the SHEF report. This project was born out of our members’ expressed interest in expanding the SHEF report to include additional detailed data on a number of increasingly relevant issues in higher education. We worked closely with the SHEF advisory committee to determine the most useful and feasible expansion opportunities for the SHEF data collection.
Throughout 2019, we shared our initial plans in a data-expansion survey sent to all SHEF data providers. With a 90% response rate, we were able to incorporate extensive feedback about data availability and definitions from almost every state. We also held a two-day meeting with our technical advisory committee to fine-tune the new elements of our data collection. As a result, the 2020 SHEF data collection included a new structure with the following new data elements:
- Agency funding*
- State operating appropriations for public institutions by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- Local appropriations by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- Total public capital appropriations*
- Sources and uses of capital appropriations
- Revised data on dual enrollment appropriations and FTE
- Performance-based funding by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- State financial aid by sector (two-year public, four-year public, independent, out-of-state)*
- Tuition and mandatory education and general fees by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- Institutional discounts and waivers by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- Additional information on mandatory education and general fees*
- Tuition revenue by residency (in-state, out-of-state)
- FTE enrollment by sector (two-year, four-year)*
- FTE enrollment by residency (in-state, out-of-state)
Due to the influx of federal stimulus funding to aid states during the COVID-19 pandemic, we also added new data elements to the 2021 SHEF data collection. These elements capture the stimulus funding allocated to states that were directed toward higher education:
- Sources of Federal Stimulus Funding
- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF)*
- Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)*
- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF II)*
- Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund*
- Uses of Federal Stimulus Funding
- Student financial aid*
- Two-year public operating*
- Four-year public operating*
- Independent (private) institution operating*
- Public Capital Projects* (added FY 2022)
- Other
Data elements marked with asterisks (*) in the above lists were required in the FY 2022 data collection. We are committed to working with our data providers to ensure they are prepared for any additional changes. These variables will provide greater utility to SHEEO member agencies as they develop strategies to serve the higher education needs of your states. Please review the additional resources below for more information, and do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like our technical assistance.
Additional Resources
SHEF Grant Overview (.pdf)
Overview of the SHEF grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
SHEF Advisory Committee (.pdf)
Member list and information about the SHEF advisory committee