Data Downloads

Download datasets at the national, state, sector, state-sector, modified Carnegie classification, and institution level for 2008 through 2022. Refer to the SHEF Expansion Codebook for additional information on variables and methodology. Please contact Rachel Burns at with questions about the data. 

SHEF Expansion Dashboard

Explore federal, state, and local IPEDS finance and financial aid data in the SHEF Expansion Dashboard. This dashboard examines funding disparities across higher education institutions, focusing on changes in government funding over time, differences by Carnegie classification and IPEDS sector, and the composition of revenue sources.

SHEF Expansion Reports

Inequality and Inequity in General Public Operating Appropriations

This report uses the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to rigorously analyze inequalities and inequities in funding levels by student race/ethnicity and income. Inequities in general public operating appropriations by race/ethnicity and income category are compared across established methodologies in the field of higher education finance. Findings from each approach are considered in the context of broader implications for inequities in public higher education funding.


Trends in State, Local, Student, and Grant Shares of Education Revenues

Although the SHEF report includes federal stimulus funding to higher education during the Great Recession (2009-2012) and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2023) that data users can choose to include or exclude, the Pell Grant and other federal grant aid are not collected separately from student tuition and fee revenue. This means federal grant aid cannot be differentiated or excluded from the share that students and families contribute to funding public higher education through tuition and fees. Given this limitation of not being able to break out federal grant aid from student tuition and fee revenue, there is much to learn about the role of consistent (rather than emergency) federal contributions to funding higher education through student grant aid, both over time and across states and sectors. In this analysis, we use federal higher education datasets to distinguish the role of grant aid, including the Pell Grant, from state, local, and student shares of funding to support public higher education. 


Federal and State Funding for Minority-Serving Institutions

This report uses publicly available federal award data for MSIs (FY2008 to FY2024) from the U.S. Department of Education to discuss trends in state and federal funding for MSI institutions. This report and its accompanying institutional-level MSI dataset are a unique tool for state and federal policymakers, researchers, and institutional leaders to analyze trends in their state funding and support for these designated institutions. This report provides an overview of federal award changes since the 2008 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), an analysis of trends observed from the data, and how the findings could inform future funding and support for MSIs.