Data Downloads

Download the complete dataset for all available years of data on capital appropriations to public institutions. Please update any previously saved capital appropriations data using this file, as prior years include revisions that are not captured in previously released capital appropriations tables. For most states, these data elements are not available prior to 2020. Please contact Kelsey Kunkle at with questions about the data.

Capital Appropriations Report

Given the amount of capital appropriations relative to the total state contribution to higher education, it is not surprising that capital funding and its allocation processes are frequent topics of discussion in the field and among the SHEEO membership. However, when compared to general operating support and state financial aid programs, there is very little information on public capital appropriations. For over two decades, there have been calls from the field for comparable, longitudinal data on capital appropriations. In an effort to fulfill this data need, SHEEO has started collecting information on total capital appropriations as part of the annual State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) data collection. This issue brief highlights the mandatory and optional data elements that SHEEO is now collecting annually and provides an initial snapshot of the first two years of data.

Table 1

Total Public Capital Appropriations by State, FY 2020-2023 (Unadjusted Dollars)

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama $0 $0 $875,159,169 N/A N/A
Alaska $5,000,000 $9,700,000 $23,518,400 142.5% 370.4%
Arizona $61,145,900 $61,112,600 $61,955,600 1.4% 1.3%
Arkansas $8,759,696 $13,317,666 $2,482,000 -81.4% -71.7%
California $2,139,398,000 $2,555,432,000 $1,448,736,500 -43.3% -32.3%
Colorado $134,250,156 $22,935,386 $169,931,917 640.9% 26.6%
Connecticut $281,589,766 $318,590,831 $303,300,290 -4.8% 7.7%
Delaware $0 $0 $0 N/A N/A
Florida $162,524,721 $109,882,707 $230,927,500 110.2% 42.1%
Georgia $367,255,000 $417,305,000 $298,565,000 -28.5% -18.7%
Hawaii $236,521,000 $202,850,000 $160,400,000 -20.9% -32.2%
Idaho $22,619,357 $9,498,927 $16,876,982 77.7% -25.4%
Illinois $2,851,644,532 $2,666,373,814 $2,540,637,654 -4.7% -10.9%
Indiana $188,775,191 $166,485,429 $790,026,266 374.5% 318.5%
Iowa $19,500,000 $36,875,000 $57,100,000 54.8% 192.8%
Kansas $45,865,250 $45,862,750 $77,862,750 69.8% 69.8%
Kentucky $20,000,000 $5,000,000 $416,900,000 8238.0% 1984.5%
Louisiana $85,879,590 $280,807,347 $322,365,487 14.8% 275.4%
Maine $8,267,950 $8,267,950 $15,767,950 90.7% 90.7%
Maryland $308,317,000 $731,133,000 $469,313,000 -35.8% 52.2%
Massachusetts $144,829,680 $150,680,799 $153,694,415 2.0% 6.1%
Michigan $0 $0 $74,800,000 N/A N/A
Minnesota $83,134,500 $0 $0 N/A -100.0%
Mississippi $0 $0 $93,070,000 N/A N/A
Missouri $5,900,000 $104,698,802 $69,745,484 -33.4% 1082.1%
Montana $17,900,000 $48,075,706 $48,075,706 0.0% 168.6%
Nebraska $21,739,000 $22,905,176 $23,061,610 0.7% 6.1%
Nevada $60,714,766 $59,081,436 $70,382,593 19.1% 15.9%
New Hampshire $12,145,816 $21,027,059 $8,926,933 -57.5% -26.5%
New Jersey $25,900,000 $0 $0 N/A -100.0%
New Mexico $25,814,350 $250,511,650 $179,821,601 -28.2% 596.6%
New York $1,076,598,000 $1,291,304,000 $2,382,747,000 84.5% 121.3%
North Carolina $104,057,580 $569,129,266 $600,821,455 5.6% 477.4%
North Dakota $100,000,000 $70,600,000 $0 -100.0% -100.0%
Ohio $241,691,250 $243,360,487 $230,184,713 -5.4% -4.8%
Oklahoma $0 $0 $0 N/A N/A
Oregon $134,516,188 $228,150,648 $228,150,648 0.0% 69.6%
Pennsylvania $5,033,299,000 $3,548,628,000 $54,161,000 -98.5% -98.9%
Rhode Island $58,519,458 $38,661,363 $68,218,400 76.5% 16.6%
South Carolina $119,240,256 $512,727,133 $667,683,732 30.2% 459.9%
South Dakota $6,000,000 $33,303,182 $29,131,446 -12.5% 385.5%
Tennessee $213,511,300 $524,388,100 $1,441,391,800 174.9% 575.1%
Texas $844,992,652 $840,292,512 $806,274,272 -4.0% -4.6%
Utah $231,115,000 $521,994,714 $675,374,356 29.4% 192.2%
Vermont $3,100,000 $3,500,000 $5,200,000 48.6% 67.7%
Virginia $742,118,759 $147,983,096 $1,472,954,080 895.4% 98.5%
Washington $468,836,000 $615,272,000 $615,272,000 0.0% 31.2%
West Virginia $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 0.0% 0.0%
Wisconsin $192,188,041 $191,287,604 $208,071,848 8.8% 8.3%
Wyoming $0 $45,581,820 $46,505,129 2.0% N/A
D.C. $0 $0 $0 N/A N/A
U.S. $16,935,174,705 $17,764,574,960 $18,555,546,686 4.5% 9.6%
  1. Public capital appropriations are state support allocated for higher education capital projects. Capital projects often include new construction, significant renovations and improvements of existing buildings, major maintenance, land purchases, acquisitions of existing structures, equipment, and information technology systems. State funding for operations and routine maintenance that does not meet the definition of a capital project, tuition revenue bonds, and other sources of institutional revenue that do not originate from the state are excluded. Federal stimulus funding used for public capital projects is not included.
  2. The U.S. calculation does not include the District of Columbia.
  3. Total public capital appropriations are a recently required component of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  4. States with biennial budgets split their public capital appropriations, reporting half in each fiscal year of the budget cycle.
  5. Illinois capital appropriations contain multiyear appropriations and are not guaranteed to be released the same year they are appropriated. Many appropriations are reappropriations of unreleased funds from prior fiscal years.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Table 2 provides the unadjusted state-level total contribution to higher education, including public capital appropriations. Public capital appropriations are not included in state support. This tables shows the sum of total public capital appropriations and total state support. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 2

Total State Contribution to Higher Education by State, FY 2020-2023 (Unadjusted Dollars)

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama $1,854,684,792 $1,988,189,302 $3,926,333,441 97.5% 111.7%
Alaska $333,757,268 $310,179,932 $343,304,330 10.7% 2.9%
Arizona $1,101,286,100 $1,222,631,700 $1,459,655,700 19.4% 32.5%
Arkansas $1,029,650,926 $1,098,200,867 $1,083,358,566 -1.4% 5.2%
California $17,891,526,581 $21,973,823,454 $21,920,999,922 -0.2% 22.5%
Colorado $1,246,176,503 $1,549,055,996 $1,484,668,560 -4.2% 19.1%
Connecticut $1,548,594,664 $2,002,193,089 $2,239,607,585 11.9% 44.6%
Delaware $274,382,482 $303,191,558 $275,699,544 -9.1% 0.5%
Florida $5,666,313,540 $6,059,385,921 $6,953,114,593 14.7% 22.7%
Georgia $4,214,283,885 $5,205,108,437 $5,247,572,413 0.8% 24.5%
Hawaii $1,008,415,671 $1,001,703,470 $1,062,371,588 6.1% 5.4%
Idaho $550,806,513 $567,488,429 $676,677,413 19.2% 22.9%
Illinois $7,416,372,371 $8,035,448,996 $7,931,325,244 -1.3% 6.9%
Indiana $2,038,702,143 $2,085,164,322 $2,706,020,590 29.8% 32.7%
Iowa $871,304,674 $907,985,787 $942,696,303 3.8% 8.2%
Kansas $899,719,517 $960,426,574 $1,320,196,328 37.5% 46.7%
Kentucky $1,198,218,600 $1,276,869,933 $1,900,946,289 48.9% 58.6%
Louisiana $1,315,327,014 $1,656,882,549 $1,801,365,232 8.7% 37.0%
Maine $327,593,813 $351,050,930 $406,192,126 15.7% 24.0%
Maryland $2,538,705,717 $3,099,521,554 $3,420,722,255 10.4% 34.7%
Massachusetts $1,885,801,003 $2,047,949,207 $2,340,335,472 14.3% 24.1%
Michigan $1,972,087,600 $2,490,641,800 $2,567,667,300 3.1% 30.2%
Minnesota $1,877,831,684 $1,784,707,167 $1,762,275,777 -1.3% -6.2%
Mississippi $962,856,242 $991,568,915 $1,296,518,687 30.8% 34.7%
Missouri $1,068,155,277 $1,223,095,635 $1,319,782,676 7.9% 23.6%
Montana $277,506,602 $316,857,419 $333,887,009 5.4% 20.3%
Nebraska $806,543,484 $899,319,158 $1,025,648,638 14.0% 27.2%
Nevada $863,180,601 $832,639,195 $862,879,307 3.6% 0.0%
New Hampshire $165,550,992 $177,873,005 $166,147,681 -6.6% 0.4%
New Jersey $2,681,577,711 $2,637,840,000 $3,220,851,000 22.1% 20.1%
New Mexico $1,182,645,899 $1,319,362,331 $1,673,278,041 26.8% 41.5%
New York $7,216,308,400 $7,140,677,397 $8,674,246,786 21.5% 20.2%
North Carolina $4,461,662,488 $5,468,646,241 $5,848,321,986 6.9% 31.1%
North Dakota $479,613,257 $462,468,275 $391,393,275 -15.4% -18.4%
Ohio $2,530,441,181 $2,691,421,561 $2,696,788,339 0.2% 6.6%
Oklahoma $939,917,258 $934,310,766 $993,743,064 6.4% 5.7%
Oregon $1,108,298,660 $1,358,332,041 $1,386,973,188 2.1% 25.1%
Pennsylvania $7,041,384,234 $5,488,686,924 $2,295,202,832 -58.2% -67.4%
Rhode Island $251,836,189 $263,858,750 $299,122,502 13.4% 18.8%
South Carolina $1,376,469,562 $1,874,207,176 $2,167,555,603 15.7% 57.5%
South Dakota $279,693,662 $307,200,496 $349,086,998 13.6% 24.8%
Tennessee $2,410,644,400 $2,821,076,970 $4,245,218,748 50.5% 76.1%
Texas $9,326,426,920 $10,196,067,572 $10,343,605,336 1.4% 10.9%
Utah $1,457,577,000 $1,873,616,015 $2,208,381,056 17.9% 51.5%
Vermont $116,346,382 $173,638,133 $159,479,232 -8.2% 37.1%
Virginia $3,266,332,344 $2,944,893,273 $4,506,071,968 53.0% 38.0%
Washington $2,694,662,000 $3,028,715,000 $3,229,920,320 6.6% 19.9%
West Virginia $552,421,193 $582,358,058 $575,216,054 -1.2% 4.1%
Wisconsin $1,779,461,544 $1,953,529,827 $1,992,504,862 2.0% 12.0%
Wyoming $383,599,482 $390,834,982 $421,282,932 7.8% 9.8%
D.C. $116,560,300 $136,014,142 $136,580,302 0.4% 17.2%
U.S. $114,742,656,025 $126,330,896,089 $136,456,214,691 8.0% 18.9%
  1. The total state contribution to higher education is the sum of public capital appropriations and state support, including federal stimulus funds used for public operations, independent (private) operations, student financial aid, and public capital projects.
  2. Year change columns show percentage point increases or decreases, not percent change.
  3. The U.S. calculation does not include the District of Columbia.
  4. Total public capital appropriations are a recently required component of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  5. States with biennial budgets split their public capital appropriations, reporting half in each fiscal year of the budget cycle.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Table 3

Sources of Public Capital Appropriations by State, FY 2020-2023 (Unadjusted Dollars)

Debt-Financed Cash-Financed
2020 2022 2023 2020 2022 2023
Alabama $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $875,159,169
Alaska $0 $0 $0 $5,000,000 $9,700,000 $23,518,400
Arizona $61,145,900 $61,112,600 $61,955,600 $0 $0 $0
Arkansas $0 $0 $0 $8,759,696 $13,317,666 $2,482,000
California $1,744,585,000 $989,964,000 $507,192,000 $394,813,000 $1,565,468,000 $941,544,500
Delaware $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Georgia $367,255,000 $363,895,000 $221,100,000 $0 $53,410,000 $77,465,000
Hawaii $236,521,000 $202,850,000 $160,400,000 $0 $0 $0
Indiana $162,475,191 $166,485,429 $160,024,816 $26,300,000 $0 $630,001,450
Iowa $0 $0 $0 $19,500,000 $36,875,000 $57,100,000
Kansas $1,865,250 $1,862,750 $1,862,750 $44,000,000 $44,000,000 $76,000,000
Kentucky $20,000,000 $5,000,000 $413,100,000 $0 $0 $3,800,000
Louisiana $82,679,380 $231,434,310 $202,884,662 $3,200,210 $49,373,037 $119,480,825
Maine $8,267,950 $8,267,950 $15,767,950 $0 $0 $0
Maryland $307,308,000 $212,445,000 $428,164,000 $1,009,000 $518,688,000 $41,149,000
Massachusetts $144,829,680 $150,680,799 $153,694,415 $0 $0 $0
Michigan $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $74,800,000
Minnesota $83,134,500 $0 $0 N/A N/A N/A
Montana $11,125,000 $21,600,000 $21,600,000 $6,775,000 $26,475,706 $26,475,706
Nebraska $0 $0 $0 $21,739,000 $22,905,176 $23,061,610
New Mexico $23,635,000 $250,511,650 $33,434,150 $2,179,350 $0 $146,387,451
New York $1,039,615,000 $1,254,321,000 $2,343,915,000 $36,983,000 $36,983,000 $38,832,000
North Carolina $84,550,866 $32,779,339 $6,886,358 $19,506,714 $536,349,927 $593,935,098
North Dakota $100,000,000 $50,000,000 $0 $0 $20,600,000 $0
Ohio $241,691,250 $243,360,487 $230,184,713 $0 $0 $0
Oklahoma $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Oregon $134,516,188 $203,662,975 $203,662,975 $0 $24,487,673 $24,487,673
Pennsylvania $5,033,299,000 $3,548,628,000 $54,161,000 $0 $0 $0
Rhode Island $21,553,092 $14,610,117 $23,560,969 $36,966,366 $24,051,246 $44,657,431
South Carolina $0 $0 $0 $119,240,256 $512,727,133 $667,683,732
Tennessee $0 $0 $0 $213,511,300 $524,388,100 $1,441,391,800
Utah $0 $0 $0 $231,115,000 $521,994,714 $675,374,356
Vermont $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,100,000 $2,000,000 $3,700,000
Virginia $741,788,759 $49,086,716 $16,882,776 $330,000 $98,896,380 $1,456,071,304
Washington $340,546,000 $487,497,000 $487,497,000 $128,290,000 $127,775,000 $127,775,000
West Virginia $0 $0 $0 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000
Wyoming $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,581,820 $46,505,129
D.C. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
  1. Public capital appropriations are state support allocated for higher education capital projects. Capital projects often include new construction, significant renovations and improvements of existing buildings, major maintenance, land purchases, acquisitions of existing structures, equipment, and information technology systems. State funding for operations and routine maintenance that does not meet the definition of a capital project, tuition revenue bonds, and other sources of institutional revenue that do not originate from the state are excluded. Federal stimulus funding used for public capital projects is not included.
  2. The uses of public capital appropriations are an optional component of the SHEF data collection. Data are not currently available for all states or for years prior to 2020.
  3. States with biennial budgets split their public capital appropriations, reporting half in each fiscal year of the budget cycle.
  4. Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin reported total public capital appropriations for fiscal years 2020-2023 but did not provide a complete breakout of sources and are excluded from this table.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association


Public capital appropriations can be used to pay for new construction, renovations and improvement to existing facilities, equipment, and other capital projects. Uses of capital appropriations are optional for states to report, so some states only report total public capital appropriations. Table 4A provides the distribution of state-level public capital appropriations used for new construction and renovations and improvements. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 4A

Public Capital Appropriations Used for Construction and Renovations by State, FY 2020-2023 (Unadjusted Dollars)

New Construction Renovations and Improvements
2020 2022 2023 2020 2022 2023
Alabama $0 $0 $178,027,400 $0 $0 $351,614,969
Alaska $0 $0 $500,000 $5,000,000 $9,700,000 $23,018,400
Arizona $61,145,900 $61,112,600 $61,955,600 $0 $0 $0
Arkansas $5,149,377 $3,000,000 $2,482,000 $3,610,319 $10,317,666 $0
California $783,979,000 $782,683,000 $592,146,000 $510,391,000 $242,408,000 $128,147,000
Delaware $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Florida $131,567,350 $82,071,828 $208,076,156 $30,957,371 $27,810,879 $22,851,344
Georgia $247,405,000 $206,745,000 $190,095,000 $90,800,000 $130,280,000 $67,500,000
Hawaii $7,250,000 $80,500,000 $4,000,000 $208,821,000 $122,350,000 $156,400,000
Indiana $0 $0 $197,900,000 $26,300,000 $0 $432,101,450
Iowa $19,500,000 $36,875,000 $57,100,000 $0 $0 $0
Kansas $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Kentucky $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000,000 $375,900,000
Louisiana $21,077,390 $161,950,660 $130,926,228 $51,982,400 $96,497,767 $147,951,427
Maine $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $767,950 $767,950 $767,950
Maryland $211,874,000 $270,522,000 $262,531,000 $27,708,000 $128,494,000 $123,427,000
Massachusetts $50,406,390 $52,442,808 $53,491,664 $92,757,878 $96,505,296 $98,435,402
Michigan $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $74,800,000
Minnesota $8,121,500 $0 $0 $74,200,500 $0 $0
Montana $15,625,000 $33,783,000 $33,783,000 $2,275,000 $13,698,660 $13,698,660
Nebraska $7,919,861 $2,297,000 $1,791,024 $13,819,139 $20,608,176 $21,270,586
New Mexico $5,000,000 $170,275,000 $33,000,000 $18,522,350 $72,285,950 $133,938,101
New York $0 $210,000,000 $1,075,000,000 $1,039,615,000 $1,044,321,000 $1,268,915,000
North Carolina $50,303,843 $233,016,232 $239,485,676 $53,753,737 $126,113,034 $92,585,780
North Dakota $56,000,000 $50,000,000 $0 $44,000,000 $20,600,000 $0
Ohio $3,500,000 $27,334,923 $4,900,000 $196,723,500 $171,247,898 $197,775,000
Oklahoma $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Oregon $47,199,511 $30,336,548 $30,336,548 $87,316,678 $184,488,996 $184,488,996
Pennsylvania $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Rhode Island $0 $6,332,138 $10,271,882 $7,443,013 $19,287,021 $25,907,479
South Carolina $33,500,000 $107,500,000 $133,875,000 $71,990,256 $387,227,133 $512,981,207
Tennessee $133,766,300 $292,347,100 $783,888,400 $5,760,000 $69,090,000 $278,826,400
Utah $155,050,000 $408,514,700 $545,273,900 $76,065,000 $113,480,014 $130,100,456
Vermont $0 $0 $0 $2,100,000 $2,000,000 $3,700,000
Virginia $468,355,940 $0 N/A $273,762,819 $141,196,846 $814,762,161
Washington $160,064,000 $296,075,000 $296,075,000 $301,272,000 $316,697,000 $316,697,000
West Virginia $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Wyoming $0 $31,992,702 $7,398,930 $0 $13,589,118 $14,466,469
D.C. N/A $0 $0 N/A $0 $0
  1. Public capital appropriations are state support allocated for higher education capital projects. Capital projects often include new construction, significant renovations and improvements of existing buildings, major maintenance, land purchases, acquisitions of existing structures, equipment, and information technology systems. State funding for operations and routine maintenance that does not meet the definition of a capital project, tuition revenue bonds, and other sources of institutional revenue that do not originate from the state are excluded. Federal stimulus funding used for public capital projects is not included.
  2. The uses of public capital appropriations are an optional component of the SHEF data collection. Data are not currently available for all states or for years prior to 2020.
  3. States with biennial budgets split their public capital appropriations, reporting half in each fiscal year of the budget cycle.
  4. Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin reported total public capital appropriations for fiscal years 2020-2023 but did not provide a complete breakout of uses for fiscal years 2020-2023 and are excluded from this table.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Table 4B provides the distribution of state-level public capital appropriations used for equipment and other capital projects. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 4B

Public Capital Appropriations Used for Equipment and Other Uses by State, FY 2020-2023 (Unadjusted Dollars)

Equipment Other Capital Projects
2020 2022 2023 2020 2022 2023
Alabama $0 $0 $54,962,305 $0 $0 $290,554,495
Alaska $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Arizona $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Arkansas $0 $0 N/A $0 $0 N/A
California $0 $0 $1,000,000 $845,028,000 $1,530,341,000 $727,443,500
Delaware $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Florida $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Georgia $17,900,000 $66,280,000 $26,440,000 $11,150,000 $14,000,000 $14,530,000
Hawaii $0 $0 $0 $20,450,000 $0 $0
Indiana $0 $0 $0 $162,475,191 $166,485,429 $160,024,816
Iowa $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Kansas $0 $0 $0 $45,865,250 $45,862,750 $77,862,750
Kentucky $0 $0 $1,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 $40,000,000
Louisiana $4,034,200 $6,608,920 $6,352,420 $8,785,600 $15,750,000 $37,135,412
Maine $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $0 $0 $7,500,000
Maryland $0 $0 $0 $68,735,000 $332,117,000 $83,355,000
Massachusetts $0 $0 $0 $1,665,412 $1,732,695 $1,767,349
Michigan $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Minnesota N/A N/A N/A $812,500 $0 $0
Montana N/A $0 $0 $0 $594,046 $594,046
Nebraska $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Mexico $2,292,000 $4,800,700 $9,383,500 $0 $3,150,000 $3,500,000
New York $0 $0 $0 $36,983,000 $36,983,000 $38,832,000
North Carolina $0 $0 $0 $0 $210,000,000 $268,750,000
North Dakota $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Ohio $4,000,000 $7,977,004 $7,600,000 $37,467,750 $36,800,662 $19,909,714
Oklahoma $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Oregon N/A $7,987,673 $7,987,673 $0 $5,337,432 $5,337,432
Pennsylvania $0 $0 $0 $5,033,299,000 $3,548,628,000 $54,161,000
Rhode Island $0 $0 $0 $51,076,445 $13,042,204 $32,039,039
South Carolina $13,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,827,525 $750,000 $0 $0
Tennessee $0 $0 $20,500,000 $73,985,000 $162,951,000 $358,177,000
Utah $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Vermont $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000
Virginia $0 $6,786,250 $29,915,000 N/A N/A $628,276,919
Washington $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0
West Virginia $0 $0 $0 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000
Wyoming $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,639,730
D.C. N/A $0 $0 N/A $0 $0
  1. Public capital appropriations are state support allocated for higher education capital projects. Capital projects often include new construction, significant renovations and improvements of existing buildings, major maintenance, land purchases, acquisitions of existing structures, equipment, and information technology systems. State funding for operations and routine maintenance that does not meet the definition of a capital project, tuition revenue bonds, and other sources of institutional revenue that do not originate from the state are excluded. Federal stimulus funding used for public capital projects is not included.
  2. The uses of public capital appropriations are an optional component of the SHEF data collection. Data are not currently available for all states or for years prior to 2020.
  3. States with biennial budgets split their public capital appropriations, reporting half in each fiscal year of the budget cycle.
  4. Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin reported total public capital appropriations for fiscal years 2020-2023 but did not provide a complete breakout of uses for fiscal years 2020-2023 and are excluded from this table.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association