Data Download

Download the complete dataset for all available years of data on student residency at public institutions. The data download includes a table that presents states and years in which they did not report data or provide estimates. Please update any previously saved student residency data using this file, as prior years include revisions that are not captured in previously released student residency tables. Data elements are not available prior to 2020. Please contact Kelsey Kunkle at with questions about the data or for additional variables.

Student Residency Report

Despite the growing importance of nonresident tuition revenue in many public institutions’ budgets, there is little information about exactly how much of an institution’s tuition revenue comes from nonresident tuition and fees. To fill this gap and provide useful data for states and institutions, SHEEO began collecting data on residency annually as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2020 State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) project. This report provides the first look at a new set of state-level data on tuition revenue and student enrollment by residency for FY 2020 and 2021. All data presented in this report are for four-year public institutions.

Table 1.1

Four-Year Net In-State Resident Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by State, FY 2020-2023

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama* 94,086 88,081 89,178 1.2% -5.2%
Alaska 14,298 11,818 11,471 -2.9% -19.8%
Arizona 114,022 116,933 107,768 -7.8% -5.5%
Arkansas* 59,283 54,717 53,721 -1.8% -9.4%
California 605,391 594,252 580,619 -2.3% -4.1%
Colorado 93,397 86,065 84,672 -1.6% -9.3%
Connecticut* 32,084 29,421 36,981 25.7% 15.3%
Delaware* 10,707 9,525 10,687 12.2% -0.2%
Florida 263,129 260,091 253,245 -2.6% -3.8%
Georgia 224,563 219,720 216,424 -1.5% -3.6%
Hawaii 13,482 12,913 12,367 -4.2% -8.3%
Idaho 28,387 26,027 26,031 0.0% -8.3%
Illinois 127,019 120,021 117,690 -1.9% -7.3%
Indiana 121,982 113,346 109,974 -3.0% -9.8%
Iowa 42,466 39,670 38,595 -2.7% -9.1%
Kansas 57,045 52,841 52,377 -0.9% -8.2%
Kentucky 70,538 67,175 66,764 -0.6% -5.4%
Louisiana 103,997 99,880 97,160 -2.7% -6.6%
Maine 17,978 16,742 15,557 -7.1% -13.5%
Maryland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* 208,452 192,140 186,070 -3.2% -10.7%
Minnesota 76,761 71,714 69,554 -3.0% -9.4%
Mississippi 45,470 44,015 42,671 -3.1% -6.2%
Missouri 80,770 68,243 70,036 2.6% -13.3%
Montana 19,170 17,154 16,490 -3.9% -14.0%
Nebraska 37,162 36,935 36,503 -1.2% -1.8%
Nevada 38,482 38,378 38,342 -0.1% -0.4%
New Hampshire 13,097 11,877 11,231 -5.4% -14.2%
New Jersey 150,390 143,040 142,675 -0.3% -5.1%
New Mexico 29,617 30,126 32,094 6.5% 8.4%
New York 289,540 268,219 258,098 -3.8% -10.9%
North Carolina 184,690 185,446 179,870 -3.0% -2.6%
North Dakota 11,215 11,034 11,303 2.4% 0.8%
Ohio 219,708 198,069 189,722 -4.2% -13.6%
Oklahoma* 68,871 65,417 64,958 -0.7% -5.7%
Oregon 50,950 47,768 47,584 -0.4% -6.6%
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island 13,584 12,154 11,776 -3.1% -13.3%
South Carolina 72,370 70,985 70,013 -1.4% -3.3%
South Dakota 15,061 14,445 14,207 -1.6% -5.7%
Tennessee 90,818 86,896 93,086 7.1% 2.5%
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah 85,363 85,209 84,332 -1.0% -1.2%
Vermont 7,507 6,298 5,937 -5.7% -20.9%
Virginia 154,724 150,253 149,369 -0.6% -3.5%
Washington* 85,403 76,534 72,903 -4.7% -14.6%
West Virginia 33,723 30,329 29,210 -3.7% -13.4%
Wisconsin 100,521 94,013 91,203 -3.0% -9.3%
Wyoming 6,911 6,491 6,385 -1.6% -7.6%
D.C. 2,419 2,070 2,257 9.0% -6.7%
U.S. 4,284,184 4,082,420 4,006,903 -1.8% -6.5%
  1. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment by residency is the breakout of FTE enrollment at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements. Medical FTE are excluded, but dual enrollment students are included in state totals.
  2. In-state FTE includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state FTE includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  4. Four-year FTE enrollment by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Washington for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  5. Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year FTE enrollment for 2020-2023. These states are excluded from this table and the U.S. total.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Nonresident FTE

Table 1.2 shows state-level out-of-state nonresident FTE enrollment at four-year institutions and percentage change. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 1.2

Four-Year Net Out-of-State Nonresident Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by State, FY 2020-2023

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama* 52,574 50,581 52,384 3.6% -0.4%
Alaska 753 622 604 -2.9% -19.8%
Arizona 91,551 101,825 105,652 3.8% 15.4%
Arkansas* 20,832 21,128 23,084 9.3% 10.8%
California 76,362 74,633 75,125 0.7% -1.6%
Colorado 33,917 34,298 34,524 0.7% 1.8%
Connecticut* 24,559 24,818 31,195 25.7% 27.0%
Delaware* 16,452 16,935 18,196 7.4% 10.6%
Florida 34,027 37,248 40,969 10.0% 20.4%
Georgia 49,176 54,445 56,239 3.3% 14.4%
Hawaii 6,844 7,581 7,895 4.1% 15.4%
Idaho 11,533 13,036 13,361 2.5% 15.9%
Illinois 39,245 44,570 46,064 3.4% 17.4%
Indiana 60,459 63,100 65,545 3.9% 8.4%
Iowa 27,176 25,075 25,520 1.8% -6.1%
Kansas 21,453 21,108 20,784 -1.5% -3.1%
Kentucky 26,359 27,327 28,040 2.6% 6.4%
Louisiana 17,347 20,781 21,736 4.6% 25.3%
Maine 6,055 7,077 6,864 -3.0% 13.4%
Maryland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* 40,454 40,533 42,060 3.8% 4.0%
Minnesota 29,421 26,121 25,470 -2.5% -13.4%
Mississippi 24,734 23,912 24,240 1.4% -2.0%
Missouri 31,114 28,093 27,594 -1.8% -11.3%
Montana 9,696 10,594 11,206 5.8% 15.6%
Nebraska 12,575 11,869 11,594 -2.3% -7.8%
Nevada 9,791 8,778 8,801 0.3% -10.1%
New Hampshire 12,539 11,482 11,478 0.0% -8.5%
New Jersey 16,710 15,893 15,853 -0.3% -5.1%
New Mexico 6,929 10,071 10,107 0.4% 45.9%
New York 34,083 31,446 32,647 3.8% -4.2%
North Carolina 31,575 33,240 35,286 6.2% 11.8%
North Dakota 14,744 14,264 14,042 -1.6% -4.8%
Ohio 61,421 58,773 59,874 1.9% -2.5%
Oklahoma* 19,713 18,722 18,591 -0.7% -5.7%
Oregon 30,799 29,014 30,256 4.3% -1.8%
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island 9,024 9,363 9,359 0.0% 3.7%
South Carolina 38,701 40,123 41,936 4.5% 8.4%
South Dakota 11,062 10,372 10,630 2.5% -3.9%
Tennessee 21,328 24,052 22,457 -6.6% 5.3%
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah 17,538 19,096 20,202 5.8% 15.2%
Vermont 10,486 10,688 10,744 0.5% 2.5%
Virginia 50,183 50,749 53,386 5.2% 6.4%
Washington* 26,199 25,585 24,260 -5.2% -7.4%
West Virginia 20,687 19,818 19,645 -0.9% -5.0%
Wisconsin 41,710 42,338 43,927 3.8% 5.3%
Wyoming 3,802 3,259 3,179 -2.5% -16.4%
D.C. 757 688 637 -7.4% -15.9%
U.S. 1,253,692 1,274,436 1,312,605 3.0% 4.7%
  1. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment by residency is the breakout of FTE enrollment at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements. Medical FTE are excluded, but dual enrollment students are included in state totals.
  2. In-state FTE includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state FTE includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  4. Four-year FTE enrollment by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Washington for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  5. Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year FTE enrollment for 2020-2023. These states are excluded from this table and the U.S. total.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Percentage of FTE Enrollment

The table and figure in this section provide the state-level percentage of resident and nonresident FTE enrollment at four-year institutions. States that reported estimates are noted with an asterisk(*).

Resident FTE Percentage

Table 1.3 shows the state-level percentage of FTE students enrolled at four-year institutions classified as in-state resident and percentage point changes. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 1.3

Percentage of Four-Year In-State Resident Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by State, FY 2020-2023

2020 2022 2023 Change Since 2022 Change Since 2020
Alabama* 64.2% 63.5% 63.0% -0.5 -1.2
Alaska 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 0.0 0.0
Arizona 55.5% 53.5% 50.5% -3.0 -5.0
Arkansas* 73.8% 72.1% 69.9% -2.2 -3.9
California 88.8% 88.8% 88.5% -0.3 -0.3
Colorado 73.4% 71.5% 71.0% -0.5 -2.3
Connecticut* 56.6% 54.2% 54.2% 0.0 -2.4
Delaware* 39.4% 36.0% 37.0% 1.0 -2.4
Florida 88.5% 87.5% 86.1% -1.4 -2.5
Georgia 82.0% 80.1% 79.4% -0.8 -2.7
Hawaii 66.3% 63.0% 61.0% -2.0 -5.3
Idaho 71.1% 66.6% 66.1% -0.5 -5.0
Illinois 76.4% 72.9% 71.9% -1.1 -4.5
Indiana 66.9% 64.2% 62.7% -1.6 -4.2
Iowa 61.0% 61.3% 60.2% -1.1 -0.8
Kansas 72.7% 71.5% 71.6% 0.1 -1.1
Kentucky 72.8% 71.1% 70.4% -0.7 -2.4
Louisiana 85.7% 82.8% 81.7% -1.1 -4.0
Maine 74.8% 70.3% 69.4% -0.9 -5.4
Maryland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* 83.7% 82.6% 81.6% -1.0 -2.2
Minnesota 72.3% 73.3% 73.2% -0.1 0.9
Mississippi 64.8% 64.8% 63.8% -1.0 -1.0
Missouri 72.2% 70.8% 69.2% -1.6 -3.0
Montana 66.4% 61.8% 59.5% -2.3 -6.9
Nebraska 74.7% 75.7% 75.9% 0.2 1.2
Nevada 79.7% 81.4% 81.3% -0.1 1.6
New Hampshire 51.1% 50.8% 49.5% -1.4 -1.6
New Jersey 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 0.0 0.0
New Mexico 81.0% 74.9% 76.1% 1.1 -5.0
New York 89.2% 89.2% 88.2% -1.0 -1.0
North Carolina 85.4% 84.8% 83.6% -1.2 -1.8
North Dakota 43.2% 43.6% 44.6% 1.0 1.4
Ohio 78.2% 77.1% 76.0% -1.1 -2.1
Oklahoma* 77.0% 77.0% 77.0% 0.0 0.0
Oregon 62.3% 62.2% 61.1% -1.1 -1.2
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island 60.1% 56.5% 55.7% -0.8 -4.4
South Carolina 65.2% 63.9% 62.5% -1.3 -2.6
South Dakota 57.7% 58.2% 57.2% -1.0 -0.5
Tennessee 81.0% 78.3% 80.6% 2.2 -0.4
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah 83.0% 81.7% 80.7% -1.0 -2.3
Vermont 41.7% 37.1% 35.6% -1.5 -6.1
Virginia 75.5% 74.8% 73.7% -1.1 -1.8
Washington* 76.5% 74.9% 75.0% 0.1 -1.5
West Virginia 62.0% 60.5% 59.8% -0.7 -2.2
Wisconsin 70.7% 68.9% 67.5% -1.5 -3.2
Wyoming 64.5% 66.6% 66.8% 0.2 2.3
D.C. 76.2% 75.1% 78.0% 2.9 1.8
U.S. 77.3% 76.2% 75.2% -0.9 -2.1
  1. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment by residency is the breakout of FTE enrollment at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements. Medical FTE are excluded, but dual enrollment students are included in state totals.
  2. In-state FTE includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state FTE includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Year change columns show percentage point increases or decreases, not percent change.
  4. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  5. Four-year FTE enrollment by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Washington for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  6. Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year FTE enrollment for 2020-2023. These states are excluded from this table and the U.S. total.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Nonresident FTE Percentage

Figure 1 shows the state-level percentage of FTE students enrolled at four-year institutions classified as out-of-state nonresident. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Figure 1

Out-of-State Students as a Percentage of Net FTE Enrollment at Four-Year Public Institutions by State, FY 2023

  1. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment by residency is the breakout of FTE enrollment at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements. Medical FTE are excluded, but dual enrollment students are included in state totals.
  2. In-state FTE includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state FTE includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Four-year FTE enrollment by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Washington in 2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  4. Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakdowns for four-year FTE enrollment and are excluded from this figure and the U.S. total.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Table 2.1

Four-Year In-State Resident Tuition and Fee Revenue Per FTE by State, FY 2020-2023 (Constant Adjusted Dollars)

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama* $14,603 $14,668 $13,904 -5.2% -4.8%
Alaska $4,819 $4,745 $4,563 -3.8% -5.3%
Arizona* $9,737 $8,576 $8,959 4.5% -8.0%
Arkansas* $7,532 $7,418 $7,343 -1.0% -2.5%
California $4,734 $3,511 $2,656 -24.3% -43.9%
Colorado $10,097 $10,523 $11,205 6.5% 11.0%
Connecticut* $10,171 $8,835 $5,457 -38.2% -46.4%
Delaware* $27,772 $24,972 $22,528 -9.8% -18.9%
Florida $1,368 $1,251 $871 -30.4% -36.3%
Georgia* $5,592 $5,119 $4,564 -10.8% -18.4%
Hawaii* $5,425 $5,233 $4,911 -6.2% -9.5%
Idaho $8,418 $8,659 $8,324 -3.9% -1.1%
Illinois $10,400 $10,196 $8,629 -15.4% -17.0%
Indiana $8,596 $8,786 $7,791 -11.3% -9.4%
Iowa $10,820 $11,047 $10,961 -0.8% 1.3%
Kansas $7,565 $6,774 $6,786 0.2% -10.3%
Kentucky* $10,802 $9,444 $8,252 -12.6% -23.6%
Louisiana* $6,570 $6,299 $6,698 6.3% 1.9%
Maine* $9,010 $9,039 $7,020 -22.3% -22.1%
Maryland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* N/A $20,791 $20,854 0.3% N/A
Minnesota $12,609 $12,117 $11,855 -2.2% -6.0%
Mississippi $9,443 $8,947 $8,588 -4.0% -9.1%
Missouri $10,491 $10,148 $10,583 4.3% 0.9%
Montana $5,608 $5,084 $4,962 -2.4% -11.5%
Nebraska $8,747 $7,957 $7,631 -4.1% -12.8%
Nevada* $3,062 $3,383 $3,301 -2.4% 7.8%
New Hampshire $9,848 $8,890 $8,359 -6.0% -15.1%
New Jersey $9,591 $9,672 $9,308 -3.8% -3.0%
New Mexico* $3,588 $7,064 $6,690 -5.3% 86.5%
New York N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
North Carolina $6,201 $5,888 $5,560 -5.6% -10.3%
North Dakota* $9,423 $10,270 $10,024 -2.4% 6.4%
Ohio* $13,683 $13,138 $13,203 0.5% -3.5%
Oklahoma* $11,713 $11,768 $12,082 2.7% 3.1%
Oregon N/A $10,251 $9,810 -4.3% N/A
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island* $7,412 $7,657 $7,002 -8.6% -5.5%
South Carolina $11,003 $9,933 $9,897 -0.4% -10.1%
South Dakota $10,789 $9,915 $10,436 5.3% -3.3%
Tennessee* $9,432 $9,369 $9,351 -0.2% -0.9%
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah $7,264 $7,143 $7,089 -0.7% -2.4%
Vermont* $10,959 $11,699 $10,644 -9.0% -2.9%
Virginia* $9,221 $8,565 $8,144 -4.9% -11.7%
Washington* $8,717 $10,711 $11,668 8.9% 33.8%
West Virginia $6,715 $6,677 $5,933 -11.1% -11.6%
Wisconsin* $7,515 $7,367 $7,382 0.2% -1.8%
Wyoming $2,671 $2,512 $3,059 21.8% 14.5%
D.C. $3,636 $3,626 $3,071 -15.3% -15.5%
U.S. $7,704 $7,807 $7,422 -4.9% -3.7%
  1. Net tuition and fee revenue by residency is the breakout of net tuition and fee revenue at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements.
  2. In-state net tuition and fee revenue includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state net tuition and fee revenue includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  4. Four-year breakout of tuition and fee revenue by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  5. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year net tuition and fee revenue per FTE for one or more years from 2020-2023. These states are excluded from the table for the U.S. average for all missing years.
  6. Adjustment factors to arrive at constant dollar figures include Cost of Living Index (COLI) and Higher Education Cost Adjustment (HECA).
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Nonresident Tuition Revenue

Table 2.2 shows state-level tuition and fee revenue collected from out-of-state nonresident students at four-year institutions and percentage changes. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 2.2

Four-Year Out-of-State Nonresident Tuition and Fee Revenue Per FTE by State, FY 2020-2023 (Constant Adjusted Dollars)

2020 2022 2023 % Change Since 2022 % Change Since 2020
Alabama* $29,790 $29,406 $28,409 -3.4% -4.6%
Alaska $17,577 $16,102 $13,477 -16.3% -23.3%
Arizona* $18,204 $16,771 $17,537 4.6% -3.7%
Arkansas* $14,183 $12,759 $13,817 8.3% -2.6%
California $25,859 $24,934 $28,190 13.1% 9.0%
Colorado $32,620 $32,532 $30,828 -5.2% -5.5%
Connecticut* $24,000 $20,221 $16,128 -20.2% -32.8%
Delaware* $28,492 $26,041 $24,532 -5.8% -13.9%
Florida $12,033 $11,343 $10,635 -6.2% -11.6%
Georgia* $12,016 $11,051 $11,163 1.0% -7.1%
Hawaii* $9,477 $9,131 $8,637 -5.4% -8.9%
Idaho $15,891 $15,400 $14,975 -2.8% -5.8%
Illinois $17,159 $16,042 $16,392 2.2% -4.5%
Indiana $27,006 $26,921 $26,860 -0.2% -0.5%
Iowa $25,297 $23,607 $23,415 -0.8% -7.4%
Kansas $21,785 $18,474 $18,278 -1.1% -16.1%
Kentucky* $21,114 $20,727 $20,034 -3.3% -5.1%
Louisiana* $6,570 $6,299 $6,698 6.3% 1.9%
Maine* $10,440 $8,627 $11,795 36.7% 13.0%
Maryland N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* N/A $22,290 $22,739 2.0% N/A
Minnesota $19,302 $19,531 $19,523 0.0% 1.1%
Mississippi $15,264 $15,087 $15,016 -0.5% -1.6%
Missouri $10,491 $10,148 $10,582 4.3% 0.9%
Montana $16,272 $15,392 $15,693 2.0% -3.6%
Nebraska $15,228 $14,068 $13,701 -2.6% -10.0%
Nevada* $5,376 $5,940 $5,797 -2.4% 7.8%
New Hampshire $17,131 $16,259 $15,707 -3.4% -8.3%
New Jersey $21,581 $19,109 $18,389 -3.8% -14.8%
New Mexico* $26,527 $17,685 $17,703 0.1% -33.3%
New York N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
North Carolina $23,773 $22,126 $21,056 -4.8% -11.4%
North Dakota* $13,770 $14,605 $14,264 -2.3% 3.6%
Ohio* $14,255 $13,707 $13,826 0.9% -3.0%
Oklahoma* $11,713 $12,813 $13,357 4.2% 14.0%
Oregon N/A $18,052 $18,084 0.2% N/A
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island* $15,450 $15,574 $14,560 -6.5% -5.8%
South Carolina $25,828 $24,256 $24,147 -0.5% -6.5%
South Dakota $11,608 $11,277 $9,388 -16.8% -19.1%
Tennessee* $19,776 $17,459 $16,450 -5.8% -16.8%
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah $14,659 $14,337 $13,105 -8.6% -10.6%
Vermont* $24,653 $21,335 $22,013 3.2% -10.7%
Virginia* $24,643 $23,616 $22,821 -3.4% -7.4%
Washington* $16,263 $10,886 $11,668 7.2% -28.3%
West Virginia $14,679 $13,451 $12,738 -5.3% -13.2%
Wisconsin* $16,555 $16,340 $16,477 0.8% -0.5%
Wyoming $8,008 $6,992 $7,771 11.1% -3.0%
D.C. $10,371 $3,626 $7,193 98.4% -30.6%
U.S. $19,182 $18,103 $18,125 0.1% -5.5%
  1. Net tuition and fee revenue by residency is the breakout of net tuition and fee revenue at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements.
  2. In-state net tuition and fee revenue includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state net tuition and fee revenue includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  4. Four-year breakout of tuition and fee revenue by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  5. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year net tuition and fee revenue per FTE for at least one year from 2020-2023. These states are excluded from the table for the U.S. average for all missing years.
  6. Adjustment factors to arrive at constant dollar figures include Cost of Living Index (COLI) and Higher Education Cost Adjustment (HECA).
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Percentage of Tuition Revenue

The table and figure in this section provide the state-level percentage of net tuition and fee revenue collected from resident and nonresident students at four-year institutions. States that reported estimates are noted with an asterisk(*).

Resident Tuition Revenue Percentage

Table 2.3 shows the state-level percentage of tuition and fee revenue collected from in-state resident students at four-year institutions and percentage point changes. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Table 2.3

Percentage of Four-Year In-State Resident Tuition and Fee Revenue by State, FY 2020-2023

2020 2022 2023 Change Since 2022 Change Since 2020
Alabama* 46.7% 46.5% 45.5% -1.0 -1.3
Alaska 83.9% 84.8% 86.5% 1.7 2.7
Arizona* 40.0% 37.0% 34.3% -2.7 -5.7
Arkansas* 60.2% 60.1% 55.3% -4.8 -4.9
California 58.9% 52.6% 41.8% -10.8 -17.1
Colorado 46.0% 44.8% 47.1% 2.3 1.1
Connecticut* 35.6% 34.1% 28.6% -5.5 -7.0
Delaware* 38.8% 35.0% 35.0% 0.0 -3.8
Florida 46.8% 43.5% 33.6% -9.9 -13.2
Georgia* 68.0% 65.1% 61.1% -4.0 -6.9
Hawaii* 53.0% 49.4% 47.1% -2.3 -5.9
Idaho 56.5% 51.2% 51.0% -0.2 -5.5
Illinois 66.2% 63.1% 57.3% -5.9 -8.9
Indiana 39.1% 37.0% 32.7% -4.2 -6.4
Iowa 40.1% 42.5% 41.5% -1.1 1.4
Kansas 48.0% 47.9% 48.3% 0.5 0.3
Kentucky* 57.8% 52.8% 49.5% -3.3 -8.3
Louisiana* 85.7% 82.8% 81.7% -1.1 -4.0
Maine* 71.9% 71.3% 57.4% -13.8 -14.5
Maryland* N/A 58.5% 56.8% -1.7 N/A
Massachusetts N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Michigan* N/A 81.6% 80.2% -1.3 N/A
Minnesota 63.0% 63.0% 62.4% -0.6 -0.6
Mississippi 51.1% 49.2% 47.3% -1.9 -3.8
Missouri 72.2% 70.8% 69.2% -1.6 -3.0
Montana 38.2% 32.9% 30.1% -2.8 -8.2
Nebraska 62.9% 63.8% 63.7% -0.1 0.8
Nevada* 69.1% 71.3% 71.3% -0.1 2.1
New Hampshire 37.5% 36.1% 34.2% -1.9 -3.3
New Jersey 80.0% 82.0% 82.0% 0.0 2.0
New Mexico* 42.6% 65.5% 106.6% 41.1 64.0
New York N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
North Carolina 60.4% 59.8% 57.4% -2.4 -3.0
North Dakota* 34.2% 35.2% 36.1% 0.9 1.9
Ohio* 77.4% 76.4% 75.2% -1.2 -2.3
Oklahoma* 77.0% 74.7% 74.9% 0.2 -2.1
Oregon N/A 45.3% 43.3% -2.0 N/A
Pennsylvania N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rhode Island* 41.9% 36.6% 35.5% -1.1 -6.4
South Carolina 42.4% 40.3% 39.3% -1.0 -3.1
South Dakota 55.9% 55.0% 59.8% 4.7 3.9
Tennessee* 67.0% 66.0% 70.2% 4.2 3.2
Texas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Utah 70.7% 69.0% 69.3% 0.3 -1.4
Vermont* 24.1% 24.4% 21.1% -3.3 -3.1
Virginia* 53.6% 51.8% 50.0% -1.8 -3.6
Washington* 63.6% 74.6% 75.0% 0.4 11.4
West Virginia 41.4% 40.3% 38.0% -2.3 -3.4
Wisconsin* 52.2% 50.0% 48.2% -1.8 -4.1
Wyoming 37.7% 41.7% 44.1% 2.4 6.4
D.C. 52.8% 75.1% 60.2% -14.9 7.4
U.S. 56.5% 56.8% 54.5% -2.3 -2.0
  1. Net tuition and fee revenue by residency is the breakout of net tuition and fee revenue at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements.
  2. In-state net tuition and fee revenue includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state net tuition and fee revenue includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Year change columns show percentage point increases or decreases, not percent change.
  4. Residency data are recently required components of the SHEF data collection and are not currently available for years prior to 2020.
  5. Four-year breakout of tuition and fee revenue by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin for one or more years from fiscal years 2020-2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  6. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakouts for four-year net tuition and fee revenue per FTE for at least one year from 2020-2023. These states are excluded from the table for the U.S. average for all missing years.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association

Nonresident Tuition Revenue Percentage

Figure 2 shows the state-level percentage of tuition and fee revenue collected from out-of-state nonresident students at four-year institutions. See the footnotes at the bottom of the table for more detailed information.

Figure 2

Out-of-State Tuition as a Percentage of Net Tuition and Fee Revenue at Four-Year Public Institutions by State, FY 2023

  1. Net tuition and fee revenue by residency is the breakout of net tuition and fee revenue at public institutions based on state or institutional residency requirements.
  2. In-state net tuition and fee revenue includes students that meet state or institutional residency requirements. Out-of-state net tuition and fee revenue includes international students and students that do not meet residency requirements.
  3. Four-year breakout of tuition and fee revenue by residency are estimates for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin in 2023. These states are noted with an asterisk (*).
  4. Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas were unable to provide complete residency breakdowns for four-year tuition and fee revenue and are excluded from this figure and the U.S. total.
  • State Higher Education Executive Officers Association